WWDC prep, talks, and a bunch of articles…
May 23, 2022 • E80 • 00:24:34
Let's get ready for some conferences. Techorama, AppDevCon and 360iDev. Ready or not…
Articles of this week:
- Fold/Unfold | Xcode Tips
- How to use a different Swift toolchain in Xcode
- Using the isEnabled environment value in iOS 14
- Mastering TimelineView in SwiftUI
- Use textCase() to make Text uppercase or lowercase
- How to Start iOS Development Career Part 2 - Learning Swift Language
- CLIs are products too
- Unlisted App Distribution on the App Store
CocoaHeadsNL events:
Stream makes it easy for you to seamlessly integrate real-time experiences into your application. Check out their Swift tutorial to learn how you can get started adding video or in-app messaging to your apps!
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