Vincent Pradeilles, Worldline employee by day, rising YouTube star by night.
Mar 05, 2021 • 00:31:36
Here's to Vincent, he started a YouTube channel right about when I uploaded my very first episode. March 3 2021, he passed 2000 subscribers. And today, on March 5 we record for my podcast to celebrate this event.Vincent started with YouTubing due to the whole pandemic thing. This is one example of this horrible world event being an example of starting change in one iOS developer's life. And by extention, though his tutorial videos, who knows how many positive change his choice to record might bring.Success is best when shared. So Vincent, I wish you good luck on your YouTube journey and many more successful milestone passed.
Vincent works at Worldline. <- People managing Vincent there, support him on his YouTube journey as much as you can. It'll be great, I promise.
Vincent's YouTube Channel
His live event with Anastasiia Voitova
My podcast episode with Anastasiia.
Conferences mentioned:
For good measure I am mentioning "the" conference I have the most affiliation with. Do iOS.
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