AppForce1 Podcast: news and information for iOS app developers

AppForce1 Podcast: news and information for iOS app developers

Jeroen Leenarts

  • 226 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Jan 20, 2022
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223 Latest episodes

Feb 18, 2022 00:44:50

Send us a textThis time Stefan and I share our thoughts on the topic of choosing SwiftUI or UIKit for your next iOS project.Fortunatly things are very nuanced and there are also some clear guiding principles we were able to come up with.

The Paul...

Feb 17, 2022 00:59:03

Send us a textYou might know about Benedikt through one of his confernce talks, or the podcast he did with Bas Broek. Anyways, he has done some interesting things in with Rust on iOS.

Oh and… “Basically, it just involves a crazy amount of bracket...

Feb 15, 2022 E68 00:08:44

Send us a textSome cool articles again. I made a quick recording because I am super busy at the moment.

Links of this episodeDeep linking and URL scheme in iOSSetting up Xcode Cloud for Automated Builds, Tests and DistributionError Handling with...

Feb 11, 2022 00:56:54

Send us a textWe dive into some of the content of the book by Jeroen. Jeroen wrote a book with the title “Being a Lead Developer”. But many of the practices in his book also apply to developers in individual contributer roles. Listen in and take some prac...

Feb 10, 2022 01:04:57

Send us a textJon and I share some memories before we dive into his history. Jon is one of those mellow friendly persons who will just wait for you to start asking questions. And once you do, be ready for the wealth of knowledge and detail you will get as...

Feb 08, 2022 E67 00:16:15

Send us a textSome WiFi stuff going on at home. Some really cool articles and releases this week from the iOS community.

Twitter Space:Leadership as a Developer, no matter your current lvl ArticlesAlways correct gradient text in UIKit | Filip Něm...

Feb 05, 2022 00:52:03

Send us a textAnother Twitter Spaces recording. Was a lot of fun with Stefan again.Soon we will begin deep diving into some very much iOS related topics.For now, we lay some groundwork on how learning new things might work. Including the approaches Stefan...

Feb 03, 2022 00:44:36

Send us a textMeet Juanpe, he is from Spain, studied at the University of Sevilla. He got started as an iOS developer right at the start of his career and has been doing that ever since.

Have a look at Juanpe does:

Jan 31, 2022 E66 00:12:06

Send us a textHow about that, some primordial version of what we now call Xcode has been released 20 years ago. That is just epic. Find out more on the history of Xcode and other new interesting articles now.

Articles mentioned this week:Hosting...
